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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus

Prepared by Marion City Schools with information from the College Credit Plus student and parent guide.

Ohio’s College Credit Plus lets your child earn college and high school credits at the same time. Students may take college courses from colleges and/or universities while still in grades 7th through 12th.

This program is meant to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to give college-ready students a wide variety of options. Taking a College Credit Plus course from a public college or university is free, meaning you don’t pay for tuition, books, or fees. Taking classes at a private college or university may result in limited costs.

The designated points of contact are your counselors at Harding High School and Carol Vetter at Grant Middle School. Here are some answers to common questions from the Ohio Department of Education and Marion City Schools.

College Credit Plus FAQ's

College Credit Plus FAQ's

Can my student participate?

Marion City Schools students in 7th-12th grade next school year may apply for College Credit Plus admission to a public or participating private college. The college will admit students based on their college-readiness in one or more subject areas. They must talk to their school counselor for more information and submit an intent to participate form by April 1.

How can College Credit Plus benefit my student?

College Credit Plus provides more options for students to pursue rigorous academic coursework beyond the high school classroom. Students can complete their freshman year of college or more, or explore college content that interests them. They can also earn college credits for free, meaning less time and costs of attending college after high school. Participating will give them an idea of what college-level work is like and helps prepare them for college.

Courses at public colleges and universities are free to students. There may be a charge for attending courses offered by private institutions. However, private institutions may not charge economically disadvantaged students who choose to attend.

Participating in College Credit Plus may eliminate repetitive, overlapping course work between high school and college. Students can complete general education college requirements that are transferable under the Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) and Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) guidelines.

What are the risks of College Credit Plus?

College transfer credits earned through College Credit Plus are usually accepted by most major institutions. However, credits may not be guaranteed to transfer toward private or out-of-state colleges and universities. Students should check with the institutions of interest before enrolling in College Credit Plus.

While OTM/TAG courses are guaranteed to transfer to Ohio public colleges and universities with a grade of D or better, how they transfer depends on the major. Students should again check with colleges and universities before applying.

Grades that students receive through College Credit Plus show up on both high school and college transcripts. They affect respective grade point averages, and low grades may also negatively impact potential college admissions and financial aid opportunities.

Students taking College Credit Plus courses on campus must arrange for their own transportation.

How do College Credit Plus courses earn students high school credit?

Students may earn college credit and apply that credit toward their high school graduation requirements. Successful completion of a three or more credit-hour college course is equal to 1.0 Carnegie unit earned at the high school. A two credit-hour college course equals 2/3 of a high school credit and a one credit-hour college course converts to a third of a high school credit.

Where can students take college classes?

Marion Harding High School will offer some college courses under College Credit Plus including Oral Communications, Interpersonal Communications, Beginning College Algebra, College Chemistry, College Physics, College Computer Applications, Principles of Marketing, Business Communications, and Health Tech I and II. Specific course descriptions will be listed in the program of studies. Additionally, students may also travel to the college where they are admitted or enroll in one or more online college courses.

Students may be concurrently enrolled in multiple institutions of higher learning and may take post-secondary courses from more than one institution concurrently. Students should review the course catalogue of individual colleges and universities for a full listing of course offerings.

Is my child limited to taking courses through a local college with which MCS has an arrangement?

No. Students, once they are admitted to a college, may take any course offered by that college that they are college-ready to take. They can take any courses offered in person or online by any public or participating private college in Ohio.

What if a student fails a class?

If a student fails a class or withdraws with an “F,” the student will receive an “F” on the high school and college transcripts. It will factor into both their high school and college GPA.

The district may, in some instances, seek reimbursement for the amount of state funds paid to the college on your student’s behalf for that course. The district may withhold grades and credits earned for high school courses taken until you reimburse the costs.

Pay attention for announcements and stop in the guidance office if you have any questions.

More Resources

College Credit Plus Student and Parent Guide
This is a useful tool that was created by the Ohio Department of Education. It lists all the frequent questions and answers that parents and students might have about College Credit Plus.

Click here to view the student and parent guide.

For more information
Click here to watch a video on Ohio's high school graduation requirements.
Check out The Ohio State University at Marion's College Credit Plus information. 
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